About | Network of Practice

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All of us are smarter than any one of us

Networks of Practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.


  1. Link substance abuse treatment providers to researchers so they can learn from each other, and through this interaction find ways to collaborate on practical research.
  2. Promote the adoption of evidence-based practices (EBPs).
  3. Create an online learning community

A learning community

This site provides access to other providers who are implementing or have implemented the practices you are considering. People are encouraged to post questions and responses and to reach out to each other offline.

The target audience is clinical directors and supervisors who have been tasked with implementing EBPs, but there are resources that senior management and direct line clinicians will also find useful.

This is your community

The value of this site will depend a lot on the activity of the community using it. By visiting and contributing often you add to the overall knowledge of your profession and usefulness of this website.

Collaborating with researchers

By participating in this online network of practice, you will also have access to frequent contact with researchers: through webinars, Internet chats, or other forums.

We hope that researchers will use The Network of Practice site to seek out providers to participate in their studies.

The first researcher who collaborated with us was Dr. Nancy Petry, who has worked on studies to make contingency management (CM) easier and more cost effective to use. Her presentation is available under resources and the conversations that providers have had with her are available for review under the discussion board section.